Saturday, January 31, 2009

Growing Up

On Wednesday we had lunch with Ani Vallabhaneni and one of his friends. They are both working on small start-ups (one only has three people). It was interesting to talk to people beginning companies and getting their companies to grow. Plus, Ani used to work with a Luther Grad, another bonus. We met for lunch at a Turkish restaurant and it was really good. Plus, an $8 lunch with a sandwich (or any entree for that matter) and a soup or salad is great for a college students budget. It was really delicious and I even tried a Turkish drink made with yougart. It was good, but pretty salty.

Then we headed to Forrester Research and met with Jeremiah Owyang. We even made it on his blog post! He talked to us about personal branding and how we should display ourselves on the internet. No longer is the internet a place to hide from, but a place to make your voice heard. He talked about personal and professsional blogging and how what you say online will come out, so it better be a representation of yourself that you want people to see. Overall, it was very useful to us as we begin to enter the blogosphere.

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